Congregation Kol Shalom welcomes all who are interested in Reform Judaism to join our community.
Our members form deep, long-lasting friendships, enrich their lives through shared learning, celebrate joyous occasions together and support one another in times of need. Kol Shalom members come from diverse backgrounds and family configurations, and everyone is welcome, including single adults, interfaith couples and families, multi-ethnic, LGBTQ and single-parent families.
Get to know us! Attend Shabbat services, attend an adult education class, or participate in a holiday celebration. Browse the rest of this website for more information about who we are and what we do, and sign up for our newsletter to be notified about upcoming events. We look forward to seeing you and welcoming you to our congregational family.
Read our membership FAQs below.
Become a member
Ready to join? Download an application form for membership and return it to the Temple Administrator either by mail, email, or in person at the synagogue.
Associate membership is available to those who reside ouside Kitsap County and who are members of another Jewish congregation. To apply, please use membership application.

Prospective Member
Who are Kol Shalom’s members?
Our diverse membership of more than 100 households comprise many kinds of Jewish (or other religious) backgrounds. Our congregation includes older couples whose children are grown, younger couples who are just starting their families, many families with school-age children, widows and widowers, single parents, single adults, long-time residents of the Northwest, newcomers to the area, LGBTQ individuals and couples, and interfaith couples and families. Our members generally reside throughout northern Kitsap County, but we have members that come from as far away as Port Townsend.
are interfaith families welcome?
Yes! We aim to make Kol Shalom a welcoming and comfortable place for interfaith families, and to help them deepen their learning and understanding of Judaism, participate in the life of the congregation, and make thoughtful Jewish choices in their lives.
how can i meet people?
Kol Shalom is small enough that you can feel like part of an extended family. In additional to regular worship services, there are activities organized around learning, socializing and social justice work. A great way to get involved is to volunteer and/or join a committee that works to support Kol Shalom.
what religious education is available for my child?
Through our Religious School, we offer religious education for children from pre-K through b‘nai mitzvah. This includes Hebrew instruction, typically once a student reaches 3rd grade, and individual tutoring with Rabbi Darío for students preparing for their bar/bat mitzvah. For more information, visit our Religious School page.
How do I find out what’s going on at Kol Shalom?
The best way to keep up with the activities at Kol Shalom is to subscribe to our weekly newsletter, Kol Shalom Connection.
What are the membership fees?
CKS suggests a sustaining pledge of $4,000 or more for those households that can afford it, to cover the majority of the average annual operating costs of $4,167 per household. If that is not feasible, please prioritize your pledge and make a pledge that is meaningful to you. While we ask every household to prioritize its pledge, no one will be turned away for inability to pay.